Software Engineering

At TUSAŞ Malaysia, we design defense and aerospace sub-systems according to DO-254 and DO-178C standards.

We understand the importance of safety in the aerospace domain, especially when it comes to airborne software. We specialize in the software engineering of safety-critical aerospace systems, adhering strictly to industry-leading standards like DO-178C/EUROCAE ED-12C – Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification. Key aspects of our aerospace software engineering include:

1. Safety Assurance: We employ systematic procedures, ensuring that our software behaves predictably in all conceivable scenarios, especially during unexpected or adverse conditions. Depending on the possible hazards of a software malfunction, we assign precise criticality levels to our software components, ensuring appropriate scrutiny and rigor in our engineering processes.

2. Verification & Validation (V&V): The integrity of our software engineering approach lies in our V&V processes. Our team verifies that the software is implemented correctly, aligning with its specific requirements. Through meticulous code reviews, structural coverage analysis, and exhaustive testing, we ascertain the quality and reliability of our software. In parallel, our validation process confirms that the software satisfies the system’s intended use and safety goals, ensuring alignment with the needs of end-users and stakeholders.

3. Certification: To vouch for the airworthiness of our software solutions, together with our parent company, Turkish Aerospace based in Ankara, Türkiye, we subject our software through a rigorous certification process. We meticulously document evidence ranging from software plans and requirements to design data and test results. This extensive body of evidence is then presented to the relevant certification authorities, ensuring our software meets the highest standards of safety and performance.

Detailed reviews of all artifacts developed during the software lifecycle from requirement up to final product integration are executed and our IV&V Unit ensures that all unit testing, Software-Software Integration Testing and Hardware-Software Integration Testing meet all the required levels stated in DO-178C.

At TUSAŞ Malaysia, we take pride in engineering aerospace software that is not only functional but also unequivocally safe, adhering to the stringent benchmarks vital for reliable flight operations.
